At Calgary Bible Training Centers, we believe that God has called and uniquely gifted every person. Not only those who have a "full-time" ministry position are called, but every single person fills a vital and special role within society and the church. We have designed all our courses with this in mind.
For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…

Bible Doctrines
This course explains what a bible doctrine is and how we arrive at a doctrine by linking verse with verse, book with book, chapter with chapter, here a little and there a little until we see the full picture of what God is saying about a particular topic develop from the Word of God
Blood Covenant
What is a blood covenant and how it relates to believers under the Old and New Testaments. The Student will learn the following topics: Our Blood Covenant with God, The Old and the New Covenants, How God made a covenant with Abraham, How God fulfilled the Abrahamic Covenant by sending Christ, etc.
Christian Stewardship
This course emphasizes the Biblical truth that God owns everything and we are merely stewards called to faithfully manage what God has generously entrusted unto us.
This course is aimed at exposing the devil, his origin, his operation, his plan and purpose, his judgement and final end in the lake of fire. The student would understand his or her authority as Sons and Daughters of God over the enemy. Believers have the right and the power given to us by God to bind and to cast, to rebuke and to resist the devil and demons in order to live a victorious life
The student would learn what discipleship is and how to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The student would learn about: The call to be a disciple, Objectives of discipleship, Jesus’ teachings on discipleship and How we can follow Jesus’ example and become faithful and disciplined disciples
New Testament Survey
The course aims at highlighting the importance of the New Testament as compared to the Old. How the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New and what are the ramifications of the New Covenant
This course is aimed and encouraging believers to understand the meaning and purpose of evangelism and the urgency required in carrying out what is commonly known as the ‘Great Commission’. Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations……Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you”
The Holy Spirit
This course is aimed at enlightening the student as to who the Holy Spirit is and what is His role in our lives. Many people have unbiblical ideas about the Holy Spirit and these would be exposed as the student would gain more understanding about the Third person of the Godhead
Introduction to Ministry
In this course, the student would understand the foundations of ministry and how the gifts the God has given to the Church are supposed to catalyse the Body of Christ to ‘do the work of ministry’ according to Ephesians 4: 13.
Practical Ministries
This course focuses on how to recognize the call of God in your life and how to fulfill that call. The student would learn how to recognise the voice of God and how to focus on God’s will for their lives.
This course aims and teaching the student what prayer is and how to be effective in your prayer life in the midst of business, adversity, attacks, and all types of situations. The student would understand what prayer is and what Jesus said about prayers. The student would really benefit from this course as practical aspects of prayers would be highlighted.
This course aims at teaching the student how we can obtain right standing with God based on what Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary and upon His death and resurrection. Many people in the world today and even in the church are very sin-conscious instead of righteousness-conscious. As a result we live under loads of guilt, fear and shame that make us worry over what God has set us free from.
Understanding Authority
This course aims at explaining who we are in Christ and how God has placed us all in a system of authority in which we allow His rule as well as the authority of other people to shape our lives and destiny for our good. The Bible says God is a God of order and that he is not the author of confusion. There are blessings in obeying God directed authority and problems we face when we disobey authority.
Praise and Worship
This course aims at teaching the student what praise and worship is and the importance of praise and worship. God said in John4:24 that the Father is seeking true worshippers and that they that worship Him must do so in Spirit and in Truth. The student is expected to understand how and why we worship God.
Divine Healing
The objective of this course is to bring understanding on what God’s will is for your health. The student would understand: Who is the author of sicknesses?, Wrong teachings about sickness, Biblical truths about healing, Jesus as the healer,Ways in which God heals us, How to act on God’s Word to obtain and maintain your Divine Health
Character of God
The student would gain understanding on the nature of God and how He relates with man over time. In order to relate with a person, we need to understand their character. God has a character also and understanding what makes Him happy, sad, angry, clap and smile will help us understand how our everyday actions affect our relationship and fellowship with God
Foundation of Faith
The student would understand what faith is and how to get it. Faith is such a fundamental principle of Christianity that the Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb11:6). The student will understand: why we believe in God, The types of faith, How to grow in faith, Enemies of faith And much more
Obedience is a very deep course that has to do with the condition of our hearts as we serve God. Do we really obey God from our heart or are we acting based on eye service or lip duty? The student would gain understanding in the following topics: What obedience is and what obedience is not, The Results of obedience, The new Testament men of obedience, What disobedience will do to a person’s blessings, Learning the secret of true obedience